We will be glad to assist you in making the right choice when selecting from various insurances. Feel free to ask for advice on which claims you can make on your insurance.
Staying in hospital is often worrisome and expensive. The insurance covers the financial impact of your stay in hospital.
Outstanding balance insurance
The outstanding balance insurance is a temporary death insurance that is linked to a mortgage credit. By taking out this insurance you can be certain that this credit is repaid in the event of your death. This insurance can in some cases also be deducted and have tax advantages.
Death insurance
If you take out a death insurance, the estate will be awarded to the beneficiary/beneficiaries in the event of your death. This insurance can have tax advantages. You can deduct it from your tax return if this insurance is linked to pension savings and/or long-term savings. Please do not hesitate to contact us for advice.
Inheritance insurance
Often inheritances are subject to significant sums of inheritance tax. In some case, it is more advantageous to pay the insurance premium instead of paying tax on the inheritance. After your death, this insurance pays the heir a sum with which he or she can pay the estimated inheritance tax.