Jugnon Insurances can help you with almost any insurance. We will be happy to help you determine which insurances suit your specific requirements.

These are just some of the insurances we offer


The moment your car or motor vehicle enters the road, you are subject to certain risks. Jugnon supplies tailor-made insurances to cover these risks. (Read more)


The family insurance covers damages you have accidentally caused to third parties. (Read more)


The fire insurance covers the consequences of theft, fire and other damages to the house and the contents thereof. This insurance is a necessity for homeowners and for those renting. (Read more)


Staying in hospital is often worrisome and expensive. The insurance covers the financial impact of your stay in hospital. (Read more)

Legal aid

A legal aid insurance looks after your interests if damages you have suffered result in a dispute. Everyone suffers an unpleasant situation once in a while. Jugnon Insurances makes sure that you are given the best support by working together with companies that are specialised in legal aid. (Read more)


Jugnon Insurances will be glad to help you draw up a savings plan that best suits your personal situation. Pension savings and/or long-term savings can also be an addition to the collective insurance taken out by the employer. Together we can determine how you can achieve the best tax advantage. (Read more)

Travel insurance

We recommend taking out travel insurance, so you can travel abroad without having to worry. With this insurance you can count on assistance if you are involved in an accident or become ill. (Read more)


Jugnon Insurances also offers other insurances. We analyse your specific needs and determine how we can be cover the risks. (Read more)

In need a check-up of your current insurance package?

Jugnon Verzekeringen is reviewing and optimizing your insurance policies.

This way you only pay for the insurances that you need.